Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My October

Whoa, it's been a while. Let's just go to pictures.

This is my first rolled cigerette. All by myself, baby!

I went to costco and bought some food. Frosted Flakes are great.

Someone stole my laundry basket. Now my dirty clothes are on the ground.

I bought some shoes. Whoo!

My bike came in too!

and so did my monitor. I made myself so lazy that i set it up at the end of my bed. Ultimate laziness.

I hid my PS3 in between my bed and my desk. Hello there.

I also bought some other stuff like warm clothes and television series.

I bought the 4th season of How I Met Your Mother

Scrubs season 8

and Heroes season 3

Now its time to smoke that hand-rolled cigarette.

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